Thursday, October 4, 2007

Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Reversed

The title may appear medical heresy but it is absolutely true, and the only thing you can be sure of is that modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry don’t want you to know this is the case.

A health professional will tell you:
“Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a progressive chronic disease that frequently results in amputation, kidney disease, heart disease, blindness, and premature death. Treatment is focussed on blood sugar control and reduction of these complications.”

Diabetes mellitus has for many decades been described as disease of sugar metabolism. The lay explanation is: “Glucose needs insulin in order to enter the cells to be used as energy. When people get fat and unfit, their body does not respond to insulin very efficiently any more, so the pancreas has to pump out more insulin to do the same job. Eventually the pancreas becomes so overworked that it stops producing enough insulin to keep blood glucose within the normal range – viola, you now have diabetes.”

Type 2 diabetes is also described as a ‘lifestyle disease’, which suggests those suffering the dreaded condition brought it on themselves. Somehow, if they had listened to the ‘experts’, this would not have happened. The lay public, and science and medicine accept this without question and without logic.
The most common misconceptions are:
Too many calories in plus not enough exercise equals weight gain
Insulin resistance is the result of weight gain and poor exercise habits

In other words, people get diabetes because they are greedy, fat and lazy.

As in so many other erroneous medical theories, science has put the cart before the horse.

If being fat causes diabetes then why don’t all fat people have diabetes?
Why do thin people get diabetes?
Why do many people (fat or thin) get diabetes even though they get plenty of exercise?

At this point science will probably offer “genetics” as an explanation. However, diabetes prevalence and incidence has increased at a far greater rate than can be explained by inheritance of dodgy genes.

Diabetes 101

The primary mechanism in diabetes is not impairment in glucose metabolism, but impairment of fatty acid oxidation [1, 2]. The high blood glucose is only a downstream effect (a symptom) of diabetes and not the disease itself. While a symptom is the only aspect addressed by medicine, of course it can never be ‘cured’.
To add insult to medical injury, the interventions used in the treatment of diabetes make the underlying problem worse.

In a normal healthy person the little energy furnaces in the cells, known as the mitochondria, burn both fatty acids and glucose (carbohydrates). On rising in the morning (assuming you are not a shift worker) there is not much spare glucose left in the blood, so the cells (apart from the brain) will be burning fatty acids. At this point you are temporarily insulin resistant. When a high carbohydrate cereal or toast breakfast is eaten the blood sugar rises rather rapidly, insulin is released (because the blood glucose has to be kept to a narrow range) and the cells then switch to burning glucose. This metabolic switch involves many enzymes and proteins and is very complex. However, the concept that the flexibility of the switch determines the likelihood of diabetes could not be simpler – this metabolic inflexibility is termed mitochondrial dysfunction. It is this dysfunction that leads to chronic insulin resistance that may result in fatness (not obligatory) and diabetes [3].

Medical treatment has always focussed on blood glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin (a longer term measure of blood glucose control) and has (until recently) blithely ignored the primary problem. Every current mainstream intervention is counter-intuitive and leads to an increased disease burden.

Intervention 1 – Diet

People with diabetes are advised to eat a high carbohydrate, low fat diet. More carbohydrate means a higher requirement for insulin. Because the pancreas has a finite insulin producing capacity, this speeds up total pancreatic exhaustion.

Much of the damage to the heart, kidneys, nerves and the retina of the eye occurs before blood sugar levels are high (prediabetes) and these effects are initiated by high circulating insulin levels.

While tissues can become resistant to insulin’s glucose handling effects, they do not become resistant to its effects on growth and cell differentiation that predisposes to certain cancers, heart muscle remodelling (heart failure), inflammation, atherosclerosis, and liver damage. Nor are fat cells immune to this growth effect; insulin causes preadipocytes (fat stem cells) to grow into fully-fledged fat cells [4], and incidentally, vitamin D has the opposite effect [5].

Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is a little-known but extremely important enzyme involved in fat metabolism. A basic understanding of its actions is necessary to explain why a high carbohydrate diet makes no sense.

The very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and chylomicrons (both elements of the total cholesterol measurement) are the ‘taxis’ that shuttle triglycerides (three fatty acids attached to a glycerol backbone) around the body. LPL is the enzyme that enables the fatty acids on triglycerides to detach themselves into fat cells for storage, and into other tissues to be used for energy.

Insulin increases LPL activity in fat tissue, but decreases it in skeletal muscle [6, 7]. Heart muscle cells derive most of their energy from lipoprotein-bound fatty acids [8] making LPL activity in the heart crucial. The heart muscle cells prefer to burn fatty acids for energy [9] and saturated ones at that [8]. When heart muscle cells have to burn predominantly glucose for energy over the long term, the heart becomes impaired [10]. Decreased fatty acid oxidation in the heart might be a good thing in an acute setting when you are just about to have a heart attack (it’s called ischaemic preconditioning) but it’s a terrible idea over the long term. One research paper concluded “our studies demonstrate that the heart has an optimal balance between use of glucose and FA [fatty acids]. Chronically altering this balance may lead to cardiac dysfunction” [10]. Is it any wonder why heart disease is so common in diabetes?

While insulin is high the body favours fat storage over fat burning. High insulin and high glucose together decreases LPL activity by 44% [11]. Glucose decreases and inactivates LPL [12, 13] and high blood glucose alone can decrease LPL by 40% [11]

LPL activity differs between the sexes; fat cell size in females correlates with LPL activity in thigh, gluteal and abdomen, but in males this was seen only in the abdomen [14]. Now you know why men put most excess fat on their abdomen (beer-belly) and women on their abdomen, thighs and bottom.

The end result of all this LPL depression is going to be weight gain, heart problems and further loss of metabolic flexibility (mitochondrial dysfunction).

Calorie counting is another rather useless tool in the diabetes control armoury. The idea that ‘a calorie is a calorie is a calorie’ is ridiculous:
a) We are not simple bomb calorimeters (method used to measure a ‘calorie’) and the use of this simple device to somehow determine what ‘calorie intake’ is necessary in human beings (of various shapes and sizes, with various energy outputs) has a ‘flat earth’ dimension.
b) The final destination of what we eat is not exactly straightforward. Most protein is used to replace worn out body parts or to make enzymes so I’m doubtful it should even figure in calorie counts because it is rarely used for direct energy requirements.

Starchy fibre supposedly provides 4 calories per gram. What isn’t so well known is that when fibrous starch gets into the large intestine, gut bacteria will break it down and the by-product of all this bug munching activity is FAT, which then gets absorbed directly by the intestine and may provide as much as 10% of total daily energy intake (an extra large chocolate bar per day!) [15].
The USDA recommendation to consume six to eleven servings of starch per day sounds more like a recipe for blimpdom than for healthy eating. This level of carbohydrate will speed you into diabetes and weight gain in no time.

Intervention 2 – Sulphonylurea (hypoglycaemic) drugs and more recent insulin secretagogues

Sulphonylurea and more recent secretagogue drugs stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin, which again speeds up total pancreatic exhaustion. Unfortunately the sulphonylureas’ mechanism of action on the pancreas also has a detrimental effect on the heart leading to a doubling of heart attack risk [16]. The more recent secretagogues may not have this effect on the heart, but still hasten pancreatic exhaustion.

Once pancreatic exhaustion occurs injected insulin will be advised.

Intervention 3 – PPAR-gamma agonists - thiazolidinediones (TZDs)

These drugs are supposed to decrease insulin resistance by redistributing the way fat is stored throughout the body. They promote weight gain, further impair fatty acid oxidation and can cause heart failure [10].
Insulin resistance does not just occur in skeletal muscle, but in cardiac muscle as well. PPAR-alpha is expressed mostly in the liver, renal cortex, intestine and heart, and PPAR-gamma is expressed mainly in smooth muscle cells in blood vessels, immune cells and white adipose tissue [17].
Because TZDs are PPAR-gamma agonists, they may improve “whole body” insulin resistance, but they leave cardiac tissue resistant and unable to utilise glucose for oxidation during ischaemia. That these terribly clever scientists profess not to know how these agents cause heart failure is nothing short of bizarre.
PPARgamma agonists promote fat storage rather than fat oxidation. Not only is the heart being deprived of its preferred energy source – fatty acids, it is also being deprived of its secondary source thanks to myocardial insulin resistance. A heart running on suboptimal levels of energy is going to suffer.

Intervention 4 – Insulin

Apart from the above described deleterious effects on the body, insulin promotes fat storage leading to weight gain [18] leading to increased insulin resistance leading to increased insulin dosage leading to further weight gain…you get the picture, until the insulin dose you need to control blood glucose would stop a charging bull elephant in its tracks.

Other interventions: Antihypertensive medications, statins and weight loss drugs.

Many people with diabetes also have high blood pressure. Some of the treatments used make blood glucose control even trickier and can even induce diabetes in people who didn’t have it to start with.

Statins (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) are increasingly prescribed in patients with diabetes to lower cholesterol even when it isn’t particularly high. These drugs can have life-threatening side effects and have been associated with an increased risk of heart failure. The mechanism of action for lowering cholesterol also lowers levels of Coenzyme Q10; a substance that is already deficient in patients with diabetes [19]. This further exacerbates mitochondrial dysfunction.

Xenical (orlistat) prevents fat absorption from the intestines, but it also prevents the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Loss of antioxidant function from vitamins worsens mitochondrial dysfunction.

Meridia (sibutramine) produces only modest weight loss, but increases blood pressure. While it does not appear to have the rare but fatal side effect, primary pulmonary hypertension, I think caution is warranted with any drug that acts directly on the nervous system.

All the interventions employed in the battle with type 2 diabetes further aggravate the underlying problem of mitochondrial dysfunction and increase the likelihood of weight gain, heart problems and other diabetic complications. Why don’t scientists and doctors admit their current approach is nonsensical, unethical and deadly? The phrase “the treatment was a success but the patient died” certainly springs to mind. They were trained to treat the symptoms – high glucose, high cholesterol etc. by the very industry that profits so much from diabetes. They were not schooled in nutrition or preventative medicine. Theirs is a reactive rather than proactive model and the only weapons in their armoury are drugs and radical surgery. The dietary dogma that has unjustly framed saturated fat and promoted refined carbohydrate as healthy remains firmly entrenched in their psyche and it doesn’t look likely to change any time soon.

As long as there is some residual pancreas function, type 2 diabetes is reversible. Even if very little function remains, it makes absolute sense to reduce the requirements for insulin. Diabetes is a nutritionally induced disease and the only way to beat it is to use primarily nutritional means.

When the outdated ‘refined vs unrefined carbohydrate’ theory was finally shown the door, nutritionists and diet book writers embraced the Glycaemic Index (GI). The GI is a measure of how fast something you eat increases your blood sugar. When it was revealed that potatoes had the same GI as table sugar, the ADA responded by advising people with diabetes that it was now considered okay for them to eat table sugar!
This highlighted just how ignorant the ADA is in relation to nutrition. They completely ignored many other issues:
Sugar is half glucose and half fructose. Fructose has very different metabolic consequences than does glucose. Potatoes break down into glucose and do at least contain some Vitamin C. It is the effects of large amounts of fructose and sugar generally, consumed regularly in the Western diet that poses such a problem.
The GI measures foods in isolation and people rarely eat from one single food group. Adding butter to potato reduces its GI considerably.

The full horror of fructose is the subject of a future article, but for the purposes of an article on diabetes it is important to know that fructose suppresses PPAR-alpha in the liver (alpha promotes fat burning)[20], while too much glucose activates PPAR-gamma (promotes fat storage) [21]. A high carbohydrate diet – especially one containing chemical fructose is one that promotes weight gain and worsens fatty acid oxidation – obviously the last thing you want to do, especially in diabetes.

So the six million dollar question is…how exactly does one ‘reverse diabetes’?

Find a physician or ND familiar with low carbohydrate diets and work closely with him/her to lower (and eventually abolish) the need for medications without putting you at risk of hypo- or hyperglycaemia. He/she will also need to assist you with getting the omega-3:omega-6 fatty acid ratio corrected (very important), and to advise on supplements to offset some of the metabolic imbalances.

Consume only FRESH WHOLE FOODS, preferably organic, in as close to their natural state as possible. Eat nothing processed, including sugar, anything sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, MSG, aspartame, other assorted additives, refined vegetable oils and trans fats. Any confusion as to whether something is processed can be dispelled by the question “did my ancestors eat this hundreds of years ago?”

Cut right back on the carbohydrates (including high-sugar fruit) and eat natural fats like butter and coconut oil. For anyone that still believes that saturated fat is deadly, I recommend you read Dr Mary Enig and Sally Fallon’s brilliant article on saturated fat here.

Exercise moderately (not vigorously) at least ½ - 1 hour, three to five times per week. Moderate exercise can include cooking, housework, swimming, resistance training, walking and gardening – you don’t need an expensive gym membership.

Things known to improve mitochondrial function:
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid
N-Acetyl Cysteine
Omega-3 fatty acids
Coenzyme Q10
B vitamins (1,2,3)
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Ginko Biloba

1. Befroy, D.E., et al., Impaired mitochondrial substrate oxidation in muscle of insulin-resistant offspring of type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes, 2007. 56(5): p. 1376-81.
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Disclaimer: The information published herein is not intended to be used as a substitute for appropriate care by a qualified health practitioner.